Re: Land Use matter LOC 2012-0101 Chinatown – Downtown Calgary
On behalf of the Calgary Chinatown Development Foundation, the Board of Directors has recently voted unanimously to support the requested increase in project specific density between 3rd and 2nd Avenues at 1st SW in Calgary’s Chinatown. The Foundation has as its principal asset a 10-storey building which it owns and manages for the benefit of the community, since constructing this affordable rental project some 30 years ago. Located at 128 2 Ave SW., it is directly across from the subject site. The Bowside Manor, as it is known, has both commercial and institutional (language education) spaces, with a variety of apartment units above, some 88 in total, all facing onto the Sien Lok Park to the north or 2nd Avenue to the south.
Calgary’s Chinatown has suffered from benign neglect for too many years, hurt by conflicts among commercial and institutional owners. It needs some sensitive and vibrant development which new land use has already provided in many mixed use inner city communities.
The Board members, representing the diverse ownership of the Bowside Manor, enthusiastically support the requested, site specific, commercial and residential increase in density. This follows at least two full presentations by the development team and land owners to the Board and individual members. Also, residents have been made aware through various community public meetings and can make independent representations.
The Board hopes that this is helpful in the public debate that surrounds the April 11th land use review by City Council.
Jack Yee, Chair